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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Frosty February 2017

Greetings from MouseHouse on this frosty February morning. The Village members are snuggled in their well-stocked, amply insulated homes these days, enjoying the rewards of careful autumn preparations. Of course, life goes on, and they too have to get to their various businesses and schools when possible.
So this latest round of snow has caused the DOT (Department of Tunneling) crew considerable overtime since the only way to Big Rock School or Underground Warehouse, and surrounding businesses is—yup, you guessed it—through under-snow tunnels.
Sir Fivel has slowed down considerably these days, being the elderly gentleman that he is now, so he mostly spends these wintry days close to Walnut Woodstove. Still, being the industrious gent that he is, his hands are never idle. He continues to work magic with his woodworking, albeit small projects now.
Fivelina is busier than ever—funny how that works! Just when her own nest empties and it would seem life would slow down a bit, the grandchildren arrive. So she stays busy being a doting Gramma to an ever enlarging family. Thankfully, most of them are nearby, so not a day goes by when she doesn’t see one or many of them. She keeps the cookie jar stocked, and the craft basket full of things for little mouselings to do when they come.
And in the evenings when all is quiet again, she is busy knitting sweaters and mittens, and sewing pinafores and bloomers for each of them.
Bret and Betina have six little ones now, the quads and then this past summer they welcomed twins.
Bic and Ben have joined the PSU (Protective Services Unit) and are busy practicing maneuvers and serving the village wherever needed. They assist the DOT in the tunneling projects by shoring up the finished areas with popsicle-stick beams. The LMG (Lantern Management Group) provides and services the tiny lanterns that light the tunnels—both snow and underground, and businesses too.
Little Bitsy, still her delicate diminutive self, is assisting at a dressmaking shop there in Underground Mall. She came with considerable experience, having trained with the best—Mama Fivelina, so her services are highly sought after at the shop. She lives with Tina at Miss Winklesnout’s cottage—the latter having had an addition put on for her beloved adopted daughter. It was her hope that if she made the accommodations spacious, Tina would want to stay on awhile.
Bitsy and Tina being closest of friends, spend considerable time together anyway, so it works out to both their advantages to live close to their work and still be there to help Miss Winklesnout.
The elderly school marm continues to teach at Big Rock School, but she too is feeling her years so she is happy to have the help of some young assistants who’ve been training at her side. Tatiana and Trieste, the last of Sir Fivel & Fivelina’s children, are among them.
On this post-Valentine’s Day, after their usual school party complete with scrumptious treats, several mouselings are absent from class this morning due to belly aches. Ah! Self-discipline is a difficult thing to learn, isn’t it? Especially in our youth, but, as with so many things, consequence is an effective teacher.
Then there’s cousin Olaf—you may remember he’s Fivelina’s nephew—the one with the speech impediment. He and his new bride, Edwina have settled in a lovely condo unit at Tall Oak Settlement just at the edge of Hare Hollow Woods.  It’s small just now, but being near Tap Root Footing, their unit has potential for ample expansion—should the need arise.